Friday, January 14, 2011


What a fun night!  Daniel and I met up with Mileah and her husband Todd for dinner at Tucanos.  They are such a CUTE couple!  Thanks guys for hanging out with us!  Before we met up with them though, we stopped at Blinkenstaff's for some toys and treats!!  What a fun store!  If you haven't been, your missing out...really!

I didn't know what a lot of these candies were.  Do you guys recognize any of these?  Any recommendations?

This clock was so lovely!

Here's another view of it!

Look at all of the stuff in his hand!  Saying no in a store like this, isn't the easiest.

1 comment:

Megs said...

Cool post! I've never heard of Blinkenstaffs! I will have to make my way over there sometime.

When I was 9 and living in Seattle, I would go down to the corner store and buy Uno and Zero bars-- they are a lot like Three Musketeers. Although they weren't my favorite, I bought them anyway because my mom told me she loved them when she was a kid.
