Monday, September 28, 2009

Smart Cookie

So I am holding Olivia and Claudio responsible for the possible weight gain I'll have tomorrow at my Weight Watcher's meeting. Why you ask? I'll tell you why, they introduced me to the SMART COOKIE! Probably the best sugar cookie I have EVER had. No not probably, it is the best sugar cookie I have ever had. I have been craving one every day since I left their house Thursday night and yes I did go there Friday night with Amy and Melanie, to get a box of cookies hoping it would subdue this craving. Did it work, you ask? That would be a negatory!! I am still dreaming about these dang cookies!


Liv said...

Well, I must say that you are a very smart cookie for enjoying the cookies! They are sooooo dang good. Did you see that you can make an ice cream sandwich with cookies there?! about major sinning!

Makenzie said...

I could probably make you a better sugar cookie!

Anonymous said...

thanks for this nice post 111213

Anonymous said...

thanks for this tips