Monday, August 30, 2010

Holga's Summer

I've had some fun with the HOLGA this summer.  I've learned some things too!   Like...

... pictures of moving objects probably aren't a good idea.

...have your camera ready to take the next picture otherwise you end up with a double exposure on one frame. 

...the light leaks (reddish streaks at top of pic) are a beautiful perk to the picture, but the filters aren't my favorite.

...there is a glare on the lens if not positioned just right!  Do you see it along the top?

...I must be better about keeping a steady hand!

I also learned that the pictures that I took for no real reason other than to just take a picture are some of my favorite pics this summer! 

1 comment:

Megs said...

I think the Holga is awesome and those photos rock! I love that each photo has something unique about it, a surprise to unveil when the film is developed.

I look forward to seeing more!