Sunday, July 11, 2010


Those closest to me know that I hate to hike.  It's just one of those things that I have never enjoyed doing.  I like nature walks and I love driving through the canyon, but if you ask me to strap on a pair of hiking boots for a climb up the mountain...expect me to say no.  Well, Melanie tells me that there is this super easy hike ("No more than a mile and a half roundtrip.") to this really pretty lake, Cecret Lake.  I honestly thought that I was looking at a simple nature walk.  Nope, it was a hike and surprisingly it was such a lovely hike.  Here are some of the pics:

Daniel seriously acted like he had never been outside in his life.  He wanted to touch everything, climb every rock and had a million questions to ask.

We literally had to climb the face of a mountain, but once we hit the peak we saw this!  Isn't it lovely?

Daniel and Melanie made friends with this little critter.  In no time, he was eating nuts out of Daniel's hand.

There was still a large slab of snow/ice floating in Cecret Lake.

The geology nerd came out in me all along the hike.  If I wasn't so tired, I would have been on my hands and knees examining this amazing formations!!

I brought the HOLGA along as well, as soon as I get the roll developed I'll make sure to post them.


June Asisi said...

Looks like you had a great weekend. Glad you could get out and enjoy Nature.

Little Messy Missy said...

I wish I had my fishing pole!