Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Busy, busy, busy!

It's never ending!  Really, I'm hoping that summer brings us a slower schedule.  I'm hoping that we can go camping, roast marshmallows, go to the city pool, eat lots of ice cream and maybe get some fun road trips in.

Right now, I'm busy with last minute school projects, finals, new projects at work, and helping Mr. D get registered for the First Grade!!!  So exciting!  Daniel is working on his journaling, he has to be able to write seven sentences; using proper sentence structure and penmanship prior to leaving Kindergarten.  He's such a smart cookie.  Oh here's something else about Mr. D!  A talent agency that I've had my eye on has asked Daniel to come in so that they can meet him.  The whole modeling thing is just for fun, if he likes it great, if not it's no biggie.  He also starts T-Ball, Swimming, and Piano lessons in a couple of months.  I'm just trying to give the kid every opportunity.  It'll be exciting to see which activity peaks his interest!!

As our previous post stated, we are LOVING Glee!  Daniel is loving the music more than the show, which is good!  It's probably not something he should be watching, considering he asked me if it's okay for two girls to go on a date with one boy.  He then asked me, "When can I go on dates again?  And can I take two girls on a date?"  How does one answer those questions without laughing and feeling slight guilt for letting him watch shows that bring about those questions?  Hmmm...I'm really still trying to learn this whole mommy gig! 

I got my new phone and it's an iPhone!  I may not be so excited when the bill comes, but I'm loving the phone!  LOVING IT!

Daniel and I are in LOVE with Ari, we talk about how excited we are to see her when we get home!  LOL!  This is her *please let me have a taste of your sucker* face!  AAAHHHH, she is so stinking cute!

My cute sister Fia, is preggers and we are all so excited for her.  I'll have to post pictures of her cute belly later!  Once I get permission of course!!

What else can I tell you?  I'm really, desperately wanting to move to Hawaii!  Okay, just one more picture of Hawaii!


Scott, Fia, Tre, and CJ said...

Yea! I so love your sea turtle pic! Of course you have my permission :) Just take a snapshot of me next time we see each other :) Please, please give us a schedule to Daniel's t-ball games so that we can come support, and call us when you go to the pool! Fridays are the best day for us :) Love you!

Megs said...

HAHA! Great post!

You can post as many pics of Hawaii as you want, LOL! I can't get enough!

The Matchie Clan said...

Ok so we're down for pool time, camping and all sorts of stuff so make sure we get an invite!! That turtle is dang cool and I love that pic of Ari!

Mariah Kinnley said...

wow love the ocean in the background. biggest turtle I've ever seen!! lol