Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Leavin' on a Jet Plane!

I'm leaving for Hawaii tomorrow and I'm a big ball of emotions: 

I'm going to miss Daniel and I'm sad to leave him.  I'm excited to go and excited that Daniel is going to have so much fun with Melanie.  I feel guilty for not staying here, saving the money and missing class.  Slightly stressed that I'm not bringing enough money, my suitcase will be too heavy and that I'll be sitting next to a crazy.  Mostly though I'm hopeful, hopeful that I get the rest, relaxation and rejuvenation I desperately need. 

I can't wait to share with you the fun picture project that Daniel and I will be doing while we are separated.  As well as all of the fun pictures I'll be taking while I'm gone. 

This beautiful picture was taken by Clark Little.  Check his stuff out and be inspired!


House of Ham's said...

I hope you have a wonderful time and I will keep my fingers crossed you dont sit by a crazy person. Usually headphones would deter a person but you never know these days! Soak up some sun for me!

Makenzie said...

I know I would be sooo sad if I left Vea on Easter! Have fun!

Kellie said...

JEALOUS! You totally deserve it. Go and have a great time!

Unknown said...

Have a great time. Before you know it, it will be over and then you will be back to normal life wishing you were away on vacation.

Sadie at heyMamas